I just got back from visiting my 9th grandchild. While I was there I wanted to do some baking. I can't sit still and I know that I was driving my daughter-in-law crazy. But I guess that is what most mother-in-laws do, drive people crazy. I wanted to be helpful and my husband wasn't there to tell me to just relax so I decided to do some baking. Only trouble was that I left my favorite cookbook at home, I couldn't take everything I really needed with me, our car was only so big. So there I was, at the mercy of the internet. But I found some great recipes on my usual cooking sites and we had some yummy experiments and hopefully some fun as well. I seem to think that I can heal the world with cooking. It's always the answer to everything; the next door neighbor has a new baby - she needs a casserole; the lady down the street has a birthday she needs a cupcake with a birthday candle; someone graduated from college they need a b-b-q. See, the answer is always food. But just not any food something special, something they had before along with something totally new. The totally new part is sometimes scary but my family is always there for me willing to be one of the taste testers. So here is my journey and you are invited to come along for the ride. We will be doing more than cooking, grannies do much more than just cook. Come join the party it will be fun.
Ritz Breaded Chicken |
Left-over Roast Beef Soup
Margaret and Larell's Taco Salad
Kristie's Broccoli and Cheese Soup
Emily's Sweet Pork Salad
Easy Chicken Salad Sandwiches
Emily's Southwest Pulled Chicken